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Crime Maps

The maps indicate Part 1 Crimes which have been reported to the Sheriff's Office for the respective month and include only those reported in unincorporated Seminole County. The incidents displayed represent only the first, most serious offense. For example, if a crime occurred which included Aggravated Assault and Burglary, only the Aggravated Assault would be reported since it is the more serious offense.

The following is a list of the designated Part I offenses in order of hierarchy as established by the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting System:
  • Homicide
  • Forcible Rape
  • Forcible Sodomy
  • Forcible Fondling
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Larceny/Theft Pocket Picking
  • Purse Snatching
  • Theft from Public Building
  • Theft from Coin-Operated Machine
  • Theft from Motor Vehicle
  • Theft of Bicycle
  • Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories
  • All Other Larceny
  • Motor Vehicle Theft

Crime Maps showing Part I Crimes in your area: To obtain more specific information about calls for service or offense reports in a particular area, you may make a public records request by clicking here.

2025 Accreditation Logos  ~Rick


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Seminole County Sheriff's Office
100 Eslinger Way
Sanford, Florida 32773
Phone: (407) 665-6650