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Firearms Qualification for Retired LEO

Seminole County Sheriff’s Office instructors will qualify retired law enforcement officers on the Seminole State College Range located at 2450 Gun Range Rd Geneva, FL. The qualification is the 38 round course as prescribed by FDLE in order to satisfy the Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA), otherwise known as HB 218.

There is no requirement for pre-registry or reservations to participate in the Retired Qualifications. You simply need to be present with the required equipment, identification, and credentials.

Please do not call to confirm the firearms dates or to verify the equipment list required.

Upcoming Qualification Dates
  • Friday, April 4, 2025
    8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

  • Friday, July 25, 2025
    8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Required Equipment List
Retired officers must bring the following items with them to the range:
  • Handgun with appropriate holster
  • Two magazines minimum
  • 100 rounds of ammunition
  • Retired LEO credentials as well as another form of I.D. ( driver’s license, etc ). No one will be allowed to qualify without proper I.D.!
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Hat or cap

Important Notice – Changes to the Qualification Course
  • Due to the time and round limits incorporated into the 38-round course, it must be completed using a semi-automatic pistol.
  • The course now requires shooters to step left or right during specific phases and fire from their weakside hand during a specific phase.

2024 Course Update
The following video is a walkthrough of the new State of Florida Statewide LEO Qualification Course which took effect on July 1, 2024.

2025 Accreditation Logos  ~Rick


Accessibility Statement

Seminole County Sheriff's Office
100 Eslinger Way
Sanford, Florida 32773
Phone: (407) 665-6650