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Adult Misdemeanor Probation/Pre-Trial Diversion

The Probation Division provides services and supervision to offenders in community-based settings in a cost effective and efficient manner. The division supervises over 6,500 misdemeanor offenders annually. The division strives to provide quality services and programs that protect the public, the rights of victims, foster crime prevention, and divert offenders from the criminal justice system. We utilize public and private resources to pro-actively correct and modify criminal behavior and its causes. Our goal is to provide continuity of services for adult offenders and improve re-entry to the community.

Probation and Pretrial Diversion Cost of Supervision, and Community Service Insurance payments can be paid on-line. There is a minimum fee of $2.50 or 3.5% of the total. If you need assistance while using the on-line payment site, please call 1-866-370-9574.

To make a Cost of Supervision or Community Service Insurance payment, please click here:

GPS Services
The utilization of GPS electronic monitoring technology has provided a viable cost-effective and safe alternative to incarceration of defendants who are released from custody on bond, while awaiting disposition of their criminal charges, as well as defendants assigned to probation who have electronic monitoring court-ordered as a condition of probation.

E.M.P.A.C.T. - Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking
In December 2008, the Electronic Monitoring Protection and Crime Tracking program (EMPACT) incorporated a new Domestic Violence initiative called E.M.P.A.C.T. -DV (Domestic Violence), which offers victims of domestic violence an extra protective layer against ongoing incidents of domestic violence. E.M.P.A.C.T. Provides real-time, 24/7 monitoring of defendants’ whereabouts via GPS mapping. E.M.P.A.C.T. has been an effective deterrent against ongoing incidents of domestic violence, with few new incidents being reported among monitored defendants and probationers since the program’s inception.

For more information regarding GPS monitoring please contact the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office at 407-665-5818 or empactprobation@seminolesheriff.org.

To make a GPS payment, please click here:

Probationer Information
Submission Forms
Submit Written Monthly Report
Submit Travel Permit
Submit Anonymous Tip

Treatment Providers
AIDS Awareness Providers
Anger Management Providers
Batterers' Intervention Providers
Driver & DUI Providers
Florida Safety Council
Mental Health Providers
Parenting Class Providers
Petit Theft Class Providers
Substance Abuse Providers

Court and Jail Resources
State Wide Clerk of Courts Search
State Attorney’s Office
Public Defenders Office
County Jail Inmate Search

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact My Probation Officer
Probation Officers
Mike Casiano 407.665.4625
Dabora Cosby 407.665.4623
Matt Garboski 407.665.4619
Lauren Harris 407.665.4609
Christina Maxwell 407.665.4617
Patrick Weingart 407.665.4622

EMPACT 407.665.5818 or 5989

Pre-Trial Diversion
Ian Frierson 407.665.4621
Diane Knight 407-665-4678

Allison Catalfamo 407.665.4618
Renee Sanville 407.665.4607

Outside Resources

If you have any questions, please contact the Probation Division at 407-665-4603 or CoProbationQuestions@seminolesheriff.org.

2025 Accreditation Logos  ~Rick


Accessibility Statement

Seminole County Sheriff's Office
100 Eslinger Way
Sanford, Florida 32773
Phone: (407) 665-6650